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- Highlights:
- 11X faster then regular overnight charger
- 2x 2500mAh AA Batteries Will charge just in 2 Hours
- 4x 2500mAh AA Batteries Will charge just in 4 Hours
- No power cable required
- Overheat protection
- Reverse Polarization protection
- Detecting primary batteries and defective batteries
- Easy-to-read LED indicators
- Temperature Control By CPU
- LED indicator displays battery condition and charging status
- Malfunctioning or single use battery detection / Bad battery detection -Reverse polarity protection / Over-temperature protection.
- Equipped with 4 charging channels allowing you to charge 1-4 cells at a time
The color LED (red/green/yellow) on the charger indicates the charging mode and battery status as follows
1. The lamp is off: there is no power in the slot or the battery is in poor contact.
2. Yellow light: 'Speed charging mode, charging cycle: 50% Blink cycle: 0.5 seconds.
3. Red light: standard charging mode, charging cycle: 25% Blink cycle: 1 second.
4.Green light: The battery is full or trickle charged.
5.The green and red lights flash alternately: the slot 1 battery is faulty.
6.The green light flashes once and the red light flashes twice: the slot 2 battery is faulty.
7.The green light flashes once and the red light flashes three times: the slot 3 battery is faulty.
8.The green light flashes once and the red light flashes four times: the slot 4 battery is faulty.
Battery charging mode
. If a battery is placed in any of the two slots in the middle (slot 2, slot 3), the battery is charged
Standard charging mode.
. If the battery is not placed in any of the two slots in the middle slot (slot 1, slot 4), then
The battery is charged in the Fast charge mode.
. When the battery voltage is higher than 1.43V, the battery is charged in trickle charge mode.
Battery charging modes
Fast charging mode: 50% cycle of task cycle: 0.5 seconds.
Standard charging mode: 25% cycle of task cycle: 1 second.
Trickle charge mode: Task cycle 5-6 cycles: 9 seconds.
If the battery capacity is higher than 80%, trickle charging starts